1. A civil codeof behaviour that distimguishes rigth from wrong.
2. A series of rules that ought to govern moral value in human conduct and establishes a defined behaviour as "correct"
This can be understood as what society says what is godd and what is wrong. We can distinguish rigth from wrong according to the consecquences that our acts have; if the concecquence is positive, then the action can be clasified as right and vice versa; if the concecquences of our acts are negative, then the act shall be considered as wrong.
This can help us to dbe aware of what we are doing and to choose to make good instead of wrong so that we can coexist in peace with pther people and that society develops properly.
IEP.(May 10th 2009) Recovered on August 22nd 2012 from http://www.iep.utm.edu/ethics/
Free Dictionary.(2012)Recovered on August 22nd 2012 fom http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ethics
Very useful blog janco!! It's really clear and consistent. I like the definition because of the clear explanation. Very useful indeed